

Thomas Dempester made a hit because the Italian scholars were looking for a new focus for their patriotic feelings and cultural interests. Deeply rooted in their regional traditions and suspicious of Rome for various reasons, they found what they wanted in the Etruscans, Pelasgians and other pre-Roman tribes. Local patriotism was gratified by the high antiquity of pre-Roman civilisations.
(Momigliano, « Ancient History and the Antiquarian », Contributo alla storia degli studi classici, Rome : Edizioni di Storia e Litteratura, 1979, p. 92)

文中にあるThomas Dempesterは、De Etruria regaliを著したイギリス人の古遺物研究家。このような「郷土愛」は、非文献証拠(non-literary evidence)に基づく考古学(古遺物研究的手法)が認められるようになったことと相俟って、18世紀イタリアに数多くの研究家を生んだという。