Leonard Barkan, Unearthing the Past: Archaeology and Aesthetics in the Making of Renaissance Culture, New Haven & London:Yale University Press, 1999.

1. Discoveries
Greeks Bearing Gifts
Vertical History
Findings and Losses
Rome’s Other Population
2. Histories
The Natural History of Art
Mimetic Narratives
Art in the Key of Myth
“Certain Antiquities Cited by Pliny”
3. Fragments
Not a History but an Autopsy←コピーあり
Marginal Bodies←コピーあり
Statues Fixed and Unfixed
4. Reconstructions
Pasquino Disfigures and Redressed
Narrative and the Eye of the Beholder
In Bed with Polyclitus
5. Artists
Original Imitation
The archaeology of the Artist
Disegno and Paragone
The Rhetoric of Draughtsmanship
Good Marble, Bad Marble

「Vertical History(垂直の歴史)」とか「Not a History but an Autopsy(歴史ではなく検死)」とか、フレーズを「命名」するセンスは刺激的なのだが、本文を拾い読みした限りでは、何が独自の分析なのか今ひとつ分かり難いという印象を受けた。「In Bed with Polyclitus」というのはMadonnaのパロディだろうけど、なんでマドンナ?